At the Paint &Body Shop

Here the Chevelle is at Advanced Paint and Body in Lake Forest. It went in on April 10, 2004.


April 22, 2004



May 18, 2004

The rust is, of course, worse than originally thought. Oh well, it happens.


June 2004

The rear of the car is being pieced together.

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July 20, 2004

The patch panels are finally going in.


Ughh. This is taking sooooo long. Well, I guess that's the way it is with these things.



August 5, 2004

The paint arrived today. One more cycle of prime and sand then its going in the booth. Also, the trunk is all done.


August 10, 2004

Here's a scrap panel painted in Aztec Bronze. These pictures came out a little orange, but you get the idea.



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